25: Huldah and Hermeneutics

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Howdy! In this episode Nick and Allison have a long-overdue treat for you! If you are in Texas or want to be in Texas during the beginning of August, we have a discount code for the Christians for Biblical Equality Conference that can be found ONLY at the end of this episode.

Nick and Allison talk about the Prophet Huldah and about basic hermeneutics as they relate to the evangelical gender debate. Much could be said but we limited ourselves to the discussion simply to make things a bit breezy.

Excellent resources on Huldah include the articles by Christine Marchetti, Ron Pierce from Biola University, and Brenda Griffin Warren. These works demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that God’s empowering placement of Huldah is a shattering blow to the paradigm of complementarianism.

We hope you enjoy, and we hope to see you in Houston, Texas (Aug 2-4)!


8: 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, Textual Problems, and Women being Silent

Well hello, welcome to our podcast! And blog!

In this episode, we talk about the finer points of textual criticism, church fathers, and the various interpretive issues surrounding 1 Corinthians 14:34-35. We argue that the context and textual problems strongly suggest that these two verses are an interpolation.

Also, because Nick *makes* Allison drink a beer she doesn't like (at all!), Allison threatens Nick with a furious vengeance. You have the power to determine whether or not Nick suffers. Listen and find out how you must do it.

For every 5, Nick eats 1. If this does not make sense, you will need to listen and find out!

Recommended resources this week include Payne's work and Craig S. Keener's chapter in Discovering Biblical Equality. For an excellent short sermon article, see Brandon Waite.

Follow Nick and Allison on twitter, and give us 5 star reviews on iTunes! That is how we become famous and make millions of dollars. Or something.


6: 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, Beanboozled, and "Headship"

Well, this is the first episode of the New Year.

Not much else to say about that, especially given what has happened in the news.


Oh well. Anyway.

In this episode, we tackle Paul's most difficult passage, a passage that has kept a lot of Pauline exegetes scratching their heads. Allison coerced Nick into trying a jelly bean or three, and it did not end well. At all. For either of them.

Recommended resources include Philip Payne's article on 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, Alan Padgett's article on the same passage, Heather Gorman's article on 'origin stories,' and Gordon Fee's commentary. It goes without saying that Payne's book is stellar and you should pick that one up.

Follow both Nick and Allison on Twitter! Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, and give us 5 stars! Please? We can only rise if others share, subscribe and review. If you give us a 5 star review (a 5 star review that is nice and not mean), you get a shout out. Guaranteed. Also, check out Christians for Biblical Equality's conference!

There. I'm good with this.
