21: In the Image of God: Gender, Genesis and Creation

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Welp, we’re back! In this episode we tackle complementarian readings of Genesis 1-3, focusing specifically on Gen 1:25-28, 2:15-25 and 3:1-7. We interact with Ray Ortlund’s article in RBMW (Nick gets mildly sassy a few times) as well as Denny Burk’s article in The Gospel Coalition. Needless to say, we found their arguments/ assertions lackluster and unbiblical.

For those who are interested in further resources on this topic, see Marg Mowczko’s excellent and accessible scholarship and Richard Hess’ article on Genesis 1-3 in Discovering Biblical Equality. For those interested in more hermeneutical work, see the articles by Kevin Giles, Jasmine Obeyesekere Fernando, and John Jefferson Davis in Priscilla Papers. As it is clear, we do not believe Genesis provides complementarianism any ground to stand upon, and instead points toward an egalitarian reading that is consistent with all Scripture.

Tune in next time as Nick and Allison discuss the Fall and the impact this event has for our understanding of gender and mutuality!