How to be an Egalitarian AND a Good Christian

My roommate Tiffany and I used to play Judo together in college. Good times. My husband did not appreciate choke holds and I am banned from using Judo, Jujitsu or Tae Kwon Do :( *Downside of egalitarianism. 

My roommate Tiffany and I used to play Judo together in college. Good times. My husband did not appreciate choke holds and I am banned from using Judo, Jujitsu or Tae Kwon Do :( *Downside of egalitarianism. 

 I have been noticing that certain key egalitarian figures on the internet--this is not about shaming and so I will not name names yet--have been using their new-found power not to simply compel others with the power of Scripture, but to shut conscientious objectors up! One is not allowed to disagree with them on a scriptural level nor are they allowed to have other disagreements such as who to vote for in a highly polarized context where both candidates are grossly immoral (FYI I am not voting for Trump or Hilary).  Worse yet, many strong, central claims are put out there but are not fact-checked.

In the name of giving women a "voice" certain individuals try and shame men and women who challenge them. This is not egalitarianism which stresses mutual submission. Hence my title. It is not that I think egalitarianism is incompatible with Scripture, far from it! Rather, when people get a little bit of power whether it is financial or social they like to use it and do not always even realize what they are doing. This is a dangerous, toxic trend I have been witnesses in the egalitarian camp as of late (not from Christians for Biblical Equality). This may sound extreme, but in terms of New Testament ethics it is not (thank you 1 John).

From my vantage point, egalitarianism is finally on the rise. It does not have as much power yet in terms of funding and support, but the tide is turning fast. Tragically, in the past (and present) the voices of women and egalitarianism has been systematically shut out (email me for specifics). This has been true in the evangelical publishing world, the takeover of the Southern Baptist denomination, and abounds in local churches. It also happens on social levels without individuals realizing it.

But now that the tide is turning what will we be like in the new majority position? Will we try and silence other voices in thename of equality? Will we try and publically shame honest individuals with objections or questions? Will we blame our own failings on institutions that do not praise us at every turn? Will we be people who believe all truth is God's truth? Will we gain followers through polarization rather than following the example of Christ?

And for heaven's sake have some humility and check your sources before making it one of your main talking points!