
2016: Hoping to get two articles out, one on subordination in the Trinity and the other on modernism and its influences on the gender debate. I am planning on submitting another on Pannenberg after I have time to proof read it more carefully.

2015: 10 Ways Men Can Fight Sexism, The Junia Project August 21, 2015 (7 most viewed for the year).

2015: "Justification and Life for All? A Response to an Evangelical Universalist Exegesis of Romans 5:12-21," Rethinking Hell Conference at Fuller Seminary 2015. Watch it here.

2014: "Defining Desire: How Should We Understand Eve’s “Desire” in Genesis 3:16?" Mutuality Magazine, Winter 2014 Vol. 21, No. 4 (Christians for Biblical Equality).

2014: Anna: Proclaimer of God’s Grace, Arise 2014 (CBE)

2013: Equating “Feminisms,” Special Edition Journal 2013 to ETS (Christians for Biblical Equality)

2013: Making History By Remembering History, Arise 2013 (CBE)

2013: Judging Deborah, Arise 2013

2013: Esther: When God Calls for Disobedience, Arise 2013

2013: Learning to Thrive, Arise 2013

2013: Phoebe: “Helper” or Leader?, Arise 2013

2013: Junia: Outstanding Among the Apostles, Arise 2013

2013: Women’s History Month: 20 notable Christian women from various times and places, Arise 2013


2016: Article on πλοῦτος ("riches") and Paul's use of the term in Ephesians with potential Christological implcations. Preparing to submit to various scholarly journals such as JBL, EQ, CTR, and MTJM.

2016: A break out paper and presentation (to be read by my friend Christopher M. Date) on 2 Thessalonians 1:9 at the Rethinking Hell Conference, London, UK. Also preparation for potential scholarly publication.

2016: An article on Philemon 1:2 is under peer review for Priscilla Papers. Likely publication in 2017.

2016: "How I Submit to my wife." Mutuality 22.4 (Winter 2015): 4-5.

2015: "Paul and the Annihilation of Death," in A Consuming Passion: Essays on Hell and Immortality in Honor of Edward Fudge (Ed. Christopher M. Date and Ron Highfield: Eugene: Pickwick, 2015), 90-111.

2014: Academic paper presentation at the Rethinking Hell Conference in Houston, TX. "Paul and the Annihilation of Death."

2013-present: Contributor to Rethinking Hell including blog posts and podcast episodes.